Fr. Mike Schmitz:
Motivation to Go to Catholic Mass
When Mass Feels like Going Through the Motions
How to Prepare for the Sunday Readings
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Barron on Silence and the Meaning of the Mass
Don’t Feel Like Going To Mass? (Bobby Angel, Jackie Angel)
Understanding the Mass: Series of Videos (Breaking in the Habit) (Fr. Casey)
How the Mass Finds Its Roots in the Bible (Ascension Presents, Dr. Andrew Swafford)
Bringing Your Kids to Mass (Ascension Presents, Jackie and Bobby Angel)
Why Do Catholics Cross Their Head, Lips, and Heart at Mass? (LifeTeen)
“Don’t Walk Into Mass Out of Shape”: What is “Mass Fitness”? (LifeTeen, Ryan O’Connell)
The Mass Explained (James P. Moroney’s Book)
Behold the Mystery : A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass (Mark Hart’s Book)
The Biblical Roots of the Mass (Thomas J. Nash’s Book)
How To Get More Out of Mass (The Catholic Talk Show)
Why Is It A Mortal Sin? Skipping Mass and Communion Without Confession (Fr. Mike Schmitz)