Fr. Mike Schmitz:
What is Stopping You from Becoming a Saint?
Busted Halo:
Spooky Saints
How Does the Catholic Church Declare Official Saints?
Breaking in the Habit- Fr. Casey
Seven Franciscan Saints You Should Know!
How Does Someone Become A Saint?
Remembering the Greatest Saint
What Saints Say About the Rosary (Matt Fradd)
St. Maximilian Kolbe (Bobby Angel)
Do Catholics worship Saints? (Father Kyle Manno)
Ablaze (FOCUS)
The Man Who Didn’t Know He Changed the World (FOCUS)
More Friends Than You Can Count: Why Catholics Pray With the Saints (LifeTeen, Mark Hart)
Find YOUR Saint (LifeTeen, Marissa Griffith)
Story of a Soul (The autobiography of St.Theres of Lisieux)
Living the Little Way of Love ( John Nelson, with St. Therese of Lisieux)
Do Catholics Worship Saints (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Who Are Your Favorite Saints (The Catholic Talkshow)
6 Amazing Mothers Who Are Also Saints (The Catholic Talkshow)
7 Badass Catholic Saints (The Catholic Talkshow)
Saints and Sages (Join Jordan Burke and Kristin Priola)