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  • Volleyball is open to girls in grades 3 through 8. (A co-ed, high school team is offered in the winter.)

  • Athletes must attend a Catholic school in the New Albany Deanery or be registered members of a Catholic parish in the New Albany Deanery.

  • Athletes are permitted to play for their public school team or club team and the deanery/parish team at the same time, with the understanding that their Deanery team must be their first priority.

  • Participants may play for a different parish in the event that their home parish is not fielding a team. If your parish does not offer a volleyball team, please contact for assistance.


  • For volleyball registration contact your local parish athletic director. Registration details vary by parish.

  • Each athlete is required to have a current IHSAA physical form, signed by a licensed physician, and a signed code of conduct form on file with their parish athletic director prior to the start of the season.

  • Athletes will be provided with a uniform that will need to be returned at the end of the season to their parish. 

  • Each athlete will need to provide her own knee pads, socks, tennis shoes, water bottle, etc.

Catalyst Catholic is blessed with an outstanding team of volunteer coaches. To learn more about coaching opportunities at your parish, please contact your parish athletic director. All adult volunteers are required to complete standard volunteer requirements.



  • All practices are scheduled by and held at deanery parishes. A full practice schedule will be provided by your parish.

  • The season starts the 2nd weekend of August and will end before fall break. There will be a total of 8 games. Games will be held on available weekdays (Mondays and Wednesdays), as well as weekends. Additional games will follow the regular season as we host a deanery-wide tournament for the 5/6 and 7/8 leagues.

  • Practices will typically last between 1-1.5 hours and will be held 2-3 times a week depending on the age of the athletes in the division.

  • Parents are responsible for transporting their athletes to practices and scheduled games.

  • Coaches reserve the right to limit an athlete’s participation based on the risk of injury, behavioral issues, or lack of attendance to practice.

Catalyst Catholic Athletics is a ministry of the New Albany Deanery, providing athletic opportunities for elementary, middle school, and high school youth who attend a Catholic parish or school within Clark, Floyd, or Harrison counties in Indiana. Through athletic ministry, Catalyst Catholic is dedicated to giving athletes a positive environment where they can develop fundamental skills of the game while growing with their Catholic community. Our Athletic Ministry program is overseen by athletic directors at participating parishes who govern and advise based on the following policies:

For more information about Catalyst Catholic Athletics, please contact: or call our office at 812-923-8355 x 202.